Us and Them: Human Relationships with the Natural World | Screening Series
Thursday January 23 - 8 pm
Thursday January 30 - 8 pm
Thursday February 6 - 8 pm
Thursday February 13 - 8 pm
Us and Them: Human Relationships with the Natural World
QUEENS LA is pleased to present Us and Them: Human Relationships with the Natural World, a four-part video screening series comprised of artists from Los Angeles and Latin America. The series was developed after the 2019 Amazon fire which ravaged through multiple countries in South America (Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay) and highlights how humans live within and affect surrounding ecosystems on a daily basis.
The four-part series starts on Thursday, January 23rd and continues through Thursday, February 13th 2020. Each screening examines human/environment interaction through a different lens, whether it be human attempts to research and understand, live within, domesticate or create a world within nature. The event looks to see how different generations and countries look at their natural environment through investigation, humor, and reflection.
Understanding the natural world...
Thursday, January 23, 8 pm
For the first screening in the series Us and Them: Human Relationships with the Natural World, QUEENS presents a selection of videos dealing with human/nature interaction through touch, study, archiving or exploring the world. The artists in this screening look to our interest in examining the world around us, through demonstrations of whale calls, understanding indigenous corn, choreography to mating rituals, dancing through the Spiral Jetty and much more....
Morgan Waltz, A Weathervane is a Weathervane, 2017, 3 minutes
Patty Chang, Invocation For A Wandering Lake, 2016, 13 minutes
Institute of Queer Ecology, Form Follows Foreplay, 2019, 3 minutes
Liz Goetz, Native Corn in a Time of Drought, 2014, 5 minutes
Jacobo Zambrano Rangel, The Exotic is Never at Home: An Introduction, 2019, 9 minutes
William Mattos, 14_14, 2019, 4 minutes
Roger Muñoz Rivas, la palmera que se pensó a sí misma, 2016, 2 minutes
Canek Zapata, Li Po :: Rice for the People 米為人民, 2019, 3 minutes
Jennifer West, Salt Crystals Spiral Jetty Dead Sea Five Year Film, 2013, 1 minute
Akina Cox, Spiral Jetty, 2008, 4 minutes
Jim Skuldt, Iceland, 2007, 1 minute
Sara Drake & Nina Sarnelle, Two amateur wildlife cryptologists demonstrate their whale song encryption protocol, used to send transpacific messages as an alternative to email, 2017, 7 minutes
Living within the natural world...
Thursday, January 30, 8 pm
Yollotl Alvarado & Tania Ximena, Ramiro Ávila, Dicky Bahto, Paloma Contreras Lomas, Paul Carlo Esposito, Pearl C Hsiung, Nathaniel Klein, Lolo y Lauti, Yoshua Okon, and Luis Angel Zepeda
The domestic and the natural world...
Thursday, February 6, 8 pm
Daniel Aguilar Ruvalcaba, Jenn Berger, Maura Brewer, Mónica Heller, Wendy Cabrera Rubio, Julia Paull, and Rodri y Lenny
The world we create for ourselves...
Thursday, February 13, 8 pm
Emilio Bianchic,Clemente Castor, and Jennifer Moon
Image Credit: Roger Muñoz Rivas, La Palmera Que Se Pensó A Sí Misma, 2016