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7 of Cups | Olivia Booth, Nathan Hauenstein, Richard Hawkins, Pearl C. Hsiung, Ian James, Anja Salonen

Opening Sunday, November 17th 5-8 pm

November 17th - December 15th, 2019


7 of Cups




Olivia Booth 

Nathan Hauenstein 

Richard Hawkins 

Pearl C. Hsiung 

Ian James

Anja Salonen 


QUEENS presents 7 of Cups, featuring artworks by Olivia Booth, Nathan Hauenstein, Richard Hawkins, Pearl C. Hsiung, Ian James and Anja Salonen. 


In the Rider-Waite tarot deck the 7 of Cups is illustrated with an image of a shadow figure hallucinating seven cups in the sky which all hold different objects, animals and figures in them:  a beautiful face with curly hair, a castle, jewels, a shrouded figure with arms outstretched, a laurel wreath with a skull on the cup, a snake, a dragon. It's a card about beginnings, illusions, choices, visions or in reversed, self-delusion and being overwhelmed by options. There are a plethora of choices floating in the sky, ready for you to choose from, to materialize into reality. 


7 of Cups is organized around artists and artworks that engage in esoteric practice or alchemical relationships. 

Image: Richard Hawkins, Twilight of the Gods (detail), acrylic and collage on framed panel, 49" x 37", 2017

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